So I'm not a stranger to the whole "LOVE" thing.... and I'll still celebrate the day without a boo and never in the "she-woman manhaters" form!! lol Relationships are just not for me, and I've come to that conclusion whole-heartedly. Maybe I'm in that mindset of "30 is the new 20" and "40 is the babyboom".. but I just can't seem to get myself in the "crushing" spirit. Don't get me wrong, I've met people, I meet guys all the time, and I have a serious problem with giving my number out.. hence the reason I change my number once every two months :) At least I'm getting out there, but I'm finding any and every reason to dismiss them afterwards. Minus the stage five clingers and the guy who wore man-uggs, I've met some pretty decent guys. I think I just like my alone time and not to "what chili wants" it again, but I may have a check off list longer than hers. LOL It's not unpractical tho.. (don't judge me.. lol)
A job, no kids, family oriented (but not still stuck at home) with great family values, mature, funny, with a great smile, ENGLISH SPEAKING PREFERED!!lol..
I'm far from shallow and definitely don't have a "type" if you knew my exes you would understand, they are complete polar opposites!! I'm big on friends first..

Ur hilarious.. Omg i was the same way i thought id be single forever but you know what Olivia hes gonna come outta nowhere and suprise you:) You deserve an awesome man and Im sure he will come soon and have all the qualities you are lookin for:)
ReplyDeleteand here i thought you just changed ur numbers because you were dodging the bill love that you love your life.. a man should never "complete" anyones picture.. To say the pickings are slim in the good old I.E is an understatement... so we have some traveling to do for good times and possible future skype dates..but mostly good times <3
ReplyDelete@ Jenn, thanks doll.. but I'm really banking on staying single.. it's the "she ain't got a man, but she's not alone" Idea that i work with :)
ReplyDelete@ Liz-ard, bill collectors, stage five clingers.. they wrap themselves up in the same boat :) LOL...and an UNDERSTATEMENT indeed!!! and Traveling is a must for good times alone, I have a problem with unwillingly bringing my vacation boos home with me... NO BUENO!!! lol
I think you are right where you need to be. Any good man worth your time will know that he is just gonna fit in with your already fabulous life. ♥ ♥