Went on the date from Hell... I met the dude in my office he was selling rubber stopper thingys, I really don't remember what he was selling I just know it was rubber. :) He was too cute and stayed for about an hour just chitt-chatting with me :) He was funny, single, no kids and independent (meaning: not living with momma). A man at 28 one would hope so :) He also had single friends, which was a plus and a half because I have single friends "so call ur friends to get with my friends and we could be friends" lol.. needed some comedy in this Post!! lol Anyway, like I said many times before I have the biggest problem giving my number out, so when he asked, I gave it to him, plus he was cute and I didn't mind a call from him at all.. :) He was also real quick to ask me out, I couldn't go out that night so he switched his plans for the next night and asked to take me to dinner. I was immediately taken back when he so bluntly picked the restaurant and said he was picking me up.. For starters, I always drive myself on first dates.. (just incase I need to escape quickly) but for some reason I decided to let my guard down and say ok. As for the restaurant, he didn't even ask if I liked sushi or didn't even give me to option to pick a place. I'm so used to the control I was totally hesitant, but I agreed. (I love sushi BTW) Now the date...
He was grouchy when he arrived.. I guess some lady cut him off on his way over and he just kept harping over it.. which made the ride and initial hello awkward. We get to the restaurant and I had been there before with my bestie and liked it so it was cool.. J I recommend it!! tons of CUTE MEN It’s called Mikan off of Pearl in Redlands… look it up.. they have a cool nightlife lounge two story restaurant J Anyway, he was dressed super formal for a date.. he had on slacks, a black button up and dress shoes… very clean and he looked wedding ready..LMAO.. it was too much for sushi, but to each their own. I had dark jeans, a scoop neck top and my white military jacket on with curly hair and my new shoes.. I looked good damn it!! LOL He didn’t seem to think so and he made it known… the ass said that my outfit was cute and very trendy but that my shirt may have been a bit too low cut… They’re called BOOBS!!! Apparently he’s never seen them before and expects his “WOMAN” (and he used this term a lot throughout the date) to wear hijabs and burqas.. lol.. but really "who the hell does he think he is".. (and I used that phrase often throughout this bogusness) Food was good.. conversation sucked, and he kept bringing up his ex and the reasons they weren’t together anymore… really?? Oh and it was all her fault.. I’m sure “Hitler” had nothing to do with it. I couldn’t stand his arrogance and he had anger issues.. it was a total warp from when he was in the office talking to me.. or maybe I had just been more mesmerized by his smile and didn’t notice his douchebag tendencies then. Either way.. I ended the date with a “are you kidding me? This is the worst date I’ve ever been on, you are a douchebag, if this act is serious, and I wish you luck but this date is over.” He paid the tab (thank God I didn’t get stuck with the bill again) and apologized and asked if could make it up to me?? I said thanks for dinner, but no thanks. I’ll get a ride home. And my friend came to my rescue as always!! J… When a date is so bad that you are facebooking mid conversation, there is definitely a problem!! Needless to say, I may be done with dating for a while.. too many dumb-dumbs, not enough energy!! lol
Movie Title Quote: (you get 2 today because this blog is worth it :))
"I'd hit him with my car if he wouldn't make body casts a fashion statement." "I wish it could just be simple, like a retro-pop song 'I want you to want me.' Boom. End of Story. We all live happily ever after. But its never really like that, is it?"
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