"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thelma and Louise....


I'm not going over cliff for this girl anytime, ever!! lol.. But she's the bizness!! :) I say this in the non-lesbian sort of way! It's so sad that this needs to be specified, but some people, in their own misery, like to get it twisted!! LOL.. I pray that everyone has a friend like Liz-ard, once, and I'm saying, at least once in their lifetime, or the next. I just met her something like 2 or 3 years ago through a source we no longer speak of..lol.. She's a great, generous, in some ways "green" girl (not a bad thing!!) Don't get offended!! lol and we always have a legit blast (lol) just doing the simple of things. I can count my blessings that she's always there when I need her and I hope she knows I'm there for her always :)  I give five smiles for this girl and hope for many, many more years of friendship.SPARKLY PINK FRIENDSHIP!!! LOL:)

You can call her boojie, beautiful or "busty"..lol.. I just call her Brenda. :) She knows what she wants and does what she does and it doesn't matter what you ->, you -> or you -> think about it!(just to quote her)lol  I love her! Once again in the non-lesbian sort of way! lol... We could go years without seeing each other then plan a "Hot Boo City Trip" and it's like we were just hanging out yesterday!! :) I met her, over seven years ago through a mutual friend and she is a hoot!! Ever since the club days where I had the black marker "X" on my hand and she was passing drinks to us young ones on the dance floor..lol.. Not to incriminate her more, but she was "Maria Consuelos" at the time..cuz that girl wasn't but one year older than me :) Gotta love those sneaky days!! :) and can't forget FLORIDA...Memories with this jet setter to last a hundred years!! Let's count on a hundred plus!!

Easy A....

This movie title, I would have to say is a great one for this post, in the none skeez of a way. :) LOL.. I had a great first week at the new job. Left Friday afternoon with a "thanks, see you Monday, you did a great job and welcome aboard!!" I love it!! It's definitely my cup o tea!! There is room to grow and I love that I can, within following directions and company policies, still set up my own way of doing it all. I'm telling you.. the eye candy is not bad either!! If only a liar wasn't a liar.. lol.. not ready to elaborate on the details of this.. but dude, who are you trying to impress?? Not my style to, excuse my french, "sh*t where I eat!!!" So save the lines and bogus stories for the lil ones..lol But other than that, SUCCESS is a comin' :) I can't wait for the ride!! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Breakfast Club...

So, I'm definitely not used to waking up right before the sun comes up. For the past six months, that's been the time I finally get to bed, but this new job is the TITS!!!! I enjoy the hours, going in early, not too early since it's only 10 mins from the casa, and leaving by 3pm.. That allows the rest of the day for living!! or Shopping!! lol.. The eye candy isn't too bad either!!! What can I say? I work with nothing but Men!! lol, some cute, some not so cute.. but entertainment all the same :) I'm looking forward to my day tomorrow!!

Now because of my early hours, I've been having to record the programs I am so addicted to and save them for my view the next day!! BGC was insane.. these girls are bogus!! JUST SAYIN', sorry u didn't get my crazy nutball texts Jenn-Jenn <3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The First Wives Club.....

I'm proud to not be a party to the married group of society!! However, I must admit, I was highly disappointed when I was informed that my forever, all time, since I was a little girl, crush is now happily married. LOL.. I guess I expected him to wait for me forever!! Is that too hard to ask? lol.. Elementary Love is supposed to last through the ages, No? LMAO.. oh well, I tried! :) Big kudos to the happy couple, and thanks for the invite to the beach party.. if you know me well enough, you know I'll RSVP yes.. but expect a maybe!! lol  This could be the reason for my singledom!! So for now, this weekend,  I'll put on a pretty, pretty dress and dance the nights away.

Big Fish....

A book session is now necessary. I watch far too many/much television shows and movies!! :) Jenn, u helped me realize!! lol.. when i'm having a texting sesh with a buddy till ten o'clock, discussing idol, and being noted as "my t.v. friend" lol, it's probably far too much! hahaha.. and not more for the fact that all of my blog titles are movie titles as well.
I've been reading up on my "free" Self Magazine subscription (shop at Forever21.com and order $50 or more, free shipping and free subscription to whatever mag. they are featuring..lol) and it's really helping. Not that I need extreme help or anything.. I love myself, I love my life and I'm happy all around, for the most part. This year is just the jumping off for my new diet, more travel and Fun, fun, fun!!!! I started with Burnt Toast again, Teri Hatcher's book and I loved it the first time so hopefully this time will do the same.Ugh.. who am I kidding, I can read and still keep up with my television..lol Jersey Shore and  Idol again tonight.. Jenn tell the BF.. not to worry I'll be at my sister's so fewer texts today :)
Motto for the day :   "GET CAUGHT LOOKING BEAUTIFUL!!!"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walk the Line...

Every year!!! Since Kelly Clarkson, I have been on point with Idol. Digging this season, more because of Jennifer Lopez but I have to say Yoji "Pop" stole my heart!! LMAO.. Some of the joke-sters they let through are insane, but he definitely will be the next William Hung and the "Pants on the floor" guy.... Travis Orlando.. the very, very, very, last guy...made me melt.. he's my, if I'm taking it way back, Justin Guarini!!<3<3<3 I will be praying that he makes it far in the competition, his story is a sad one but I love how his family is with one another!! :) Aw and he's the only one that made me cry!! :) Tomorrow's show should be interesting...just in watching the previews I'm gonna be loving the Carrot Top looking guy who belted out some QUEEN :)  Till manana!!! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whip It.....

Best of luck to us.... my dear friend Jenn-Jenn (hyphenated name for separation purposes.. I know way too many Jenns)  posted about her workout woes and boy-o-boy do I understand her pain!!
I have a wedding to attend this summer and girl, I NEEEEDDDDD to look spectacular!!! So here's to dropping the cheeseburger and replacing with a chicken salad, no dressing (ewwww) lol, just the thought makes me hate it!! lol. I have honestly gained far too much weight in the past, gee, um, four years???? I went through my "skinny" photos and am not a fan of the many chins I have acquired!!! So on to the battle. Making it to the gym has never been my cup of tea.. Although I know it's all in my head, the uncomfortable waiting for a machine and then balancing my act on one while others watch with their thoughts, doesn't settle well for me. Then there is the treadmill at home... problem? my knees are killing me on it. Oh and sure, I can use the eliptical that is buried deep in the garage. I'll get it tomorrow, then tomorrow, then tomorrow. EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!
I'm done with the excuses.. I will get on this workout.. and Jenn if ur with me, we can guide each other.. sort of like Alcoholics' sponsors...lol.. when we think about veering in the what i'll call "fat lady" direction expect a text or a call.. and helping words of goal achievements would be much appreciated!! :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Say Anything....

Tonight has been a television show success.. way to cancel my night out for a night of snuggling and with a hot cup of tea and a back to back schedule of shows :) RECAP....

BGC- the girls on this season are trying way too hard... or should I say Nikki is!! She is so super insecure and immature. I guess if I was a manly girl I'd be very defensive with comedy too..lol. She's like the fat kid in high school who "kills them with clowning around". Class Clowns are not cute!!! Too bad it's not working for her this season. SORRY UR SO MANLY, BRO!!!! lol  I am however, looking forward to next week and getting the introduction of the new girl. :)

Jersey Shore- Sammi is ridiculous!! Sorry ur so bummed that ur gonna lose ur boyfriend, psycho, but u did it to yourself. Now latch on to stinky Snooki because u don't have anyone else. AND I really can't believe Snooks really sat her ass in the fridge!! that is disgusting!!! "Keep it classy it San Diego" yuck! Hilarious tho, when Danielle, the Jewish girl who "stalked Pauly's entire life on the
Boardwalk" last year, shows up at Karma and splashes him with a drink!! FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY!! It's a trashbag show but I love it! :)

Fashion Police- 2011 Golden Globes- Mila Kunis looked way hotter than Angelina Jolie.. Joan is on a good one!!! J-Lo's dress is cutsie too!!!!! Sandra Bullock's dress is awesome too.. but here hair is a must go!! Scarlett Johannsen in Ellie Saab.. so awesome!!! :) I like the nudes for the golden globes.. Eva Longoria's dress was fabulous!!! but Anne Hathaway took the cake for me :) I want her dress!!! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Saturday morning and I'm awake with a BANG!!! :) I would say I'm excited for the weekend, however, for the past six months everyday is my weekend! But...... I got the job!!!!! I got a call back yesterday from the interview I had on Thursday and I start in 2 weeks Monday... just to confuse u with days :) I couldn't be more excited. It's time to get back to work. 2011 should be a BANNER year!!
My Friday nights haven't been much to my old ways either. I'm staying in a lot. I was hanging with the family all day. Babysitting my nephew at the wee hours yesterday. Hilarious too, when I got the call back for the job my nephew was getting into things he knows he shouldn't. I think it was on purpose at that exact moment too.. it's like he knew I wouldn't yell at him while on the phone! :)  BRAT. I love him though! He even did the happy dance with me!! lol.... Then we were fat kids.. John's Incredible Pizza at noon! It was bomb.com though :) I had plans to celebrate my new employment with some friends but that fell through so GAME NIGHT at the 'rents' house was the plan. We played about 3 board games and then Michael Jackson'd our ass' off on the Wii it was a good time. Cocktails couldn't beat it :)
Today, I shall "cookie monster" it up at the mall (shopping problem) but I do now need work appropriate outfits :) I will go visit my bestie to gossip some on what we missed last night :) Then recap on the shinanigans of the trash-pot show we so addictively watch. "JERSEY SHORE"..
It has become the most ridiculous of my addictions. I find myself getting angry at the characters.lol... but I will say, Sammi Sweetheart is far from it! I can't even understand what possessed her and Ronnie, for that matter, to even go to the shore if they are going to isolate themselves all summer??? and she's the moron and should be embarrassed to even be seen with him after all of MIAMI... but they are all pretty lame!! I want to shampoo JWOW's hair, throw SNOOKI in the shower, and someone desperately needs to check the new girl. Last I remember Mike the Situation may have himself a Situation with all the trashbags he brings back. So jumping in line to hook up with him creeps me out! I heart Vinny and Pauly, so there are zero negatives to throw in their direction :) I'm hungry and ready to start my Saturday. So enjoy the weekend all!! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hope Floats...

Cracking the whip for 2011 with new ideas, plans and check off lists?? Not to "What Chili Wants" it, but I need to set some sort of goals for myself this year.
New job- check
weight loss- check, check
More $$$$ in the bank- check, check, check
Jet Setting with the bestie- check, check, check
BF- ummmm.... check back with me next year!! lol

If we're talking about birds falling out of the sky and fish floating to the surface, I need to get on my bucket list.
It all starts today and then continues tomorrow.  Wish me luck on a job interview I have with a company I have been trying to get into for a while now. :) Sad part, I almost want to buy an outfit for the interview!! STOP IT!! :)

In Her Shoes..

My very first blog.. let's see if another one comes after? :)
With all the time I have on my hands, trying to keep busy has been a mission. Positive busy, has been the hardest part. Internet shopping has become my addiction, next to food. lol... Shopping just makes me feel better... "Retail Therapy" is everything it is called. After a new pair of shoes, dress or top all the worries of the day disappear. Would u call that a problem??? :)