Saturday morning and I'm awake with a BANG!!! :) I would say I'm excited for the weekend, however, for the past six months everyday is my weekend! But...... I got the job!!!!! I got a call back yesterday from the interview I had on Thursday and I start in 2 weeks Monday... just to confuse u with days :) I couldn't be more excited. It's time to get back to work. 2011 should be a BANNER year!!
My Friday nights haven't been much to my old ways either. I'm staying in a lot. I was hanging with the family all day. Babysitting my nephew at the wee hours yesterday. Hilarious too, when I got the call back for the job my nephew was getting into things he knows he shouldn't. I think it was on purpose at that exact moment too.. it's like he knew I wouldn't yell at him while on the phone! :) BRAT. I love him though! He even did the happy dance with me!! lol.... Then we were fat kids.. John's Incredible Pizza at noon! It was though :) I had plans to celebrate my new employment with some friends but that fell through so GAME NIGHT at the 'rents' house was the plan. We played about 3 board games and then Michael Jackson'd our ass' off on the Wii it was a good time. Cocktails couldn't beat it :)
Today, I shall "cookie monster" it up at the mall (shopping problem) but I do now need work appropriate outfits :) I will go visit my bestie to gossip some on what we missed last night :) Then recap on the shinanigans of the trash-pot show we so addictively watch. "JERSEY SHORE"..
It has become the most ridiculous of my addictions. I find myself getting angry at the but I will say, Sammi Sweetheart is far from it! I can't even understand what possessed her and Ronnie, for that matter, to even go to the shore if they are going to isolate themselves all summer??? and she's the moron and should be embarrassed to even be seen with him after all of MIAMI... but they are all pretty lame!! I want to shampoo JWOW's hair, throw SNOOKI in the shower, and someone desperately needs to check the new girl. Last I remember Mike the Situation may have himself a Situation with all the trashbags he brings back. So jumping in line to hook up with him creeps me out! I heart Vinny and Pauly, so there are zero negatives to throw in their direction :) I'm hungry and ready to start my Saturday. So enjoy the weekend all!! :)